In the Ministry of Health, they do not recommend giving certain medicines to children for the treatment of flu and colds.

  • In the Ministry of Health, they do not recommend giving certain medicines to children for the treatment of flu and colds.
12 04 2021 0Comments

In the Ministry of Health, they do not recommend giving certain medicines to children for the treatment of flu and colds.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is concerned about the widespread practice of excessive and unjustified prescribing of over-the-counter medicines for symptomatic treatment of uncomplicated acute respiratory viral infections (ARVIs) in children.

This was stated by the Acting Minister of Health, Ulyana Suprun, on her Facebook page.

"When we get sick with the flu or ARVIs, we may be prescribed a long list of medications. But are all of them effective and worth spending money on?

Unfortunately, often they are not, and these could be "popular" and expensive drugs that either lack proven effectiveness or should not be used to treat the flu and ARVIs," the official page of the Ministry of Health states.

The Ministry of Health emphasizes that when doctors prescribe treatment for patients with ARVIs, they should rely on modern evidence-based clinical guidelines, protocols, and recommendations (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (, American Academy of Family Physicians (, American Academy of Pediatrics (, Cochrane Library (, Medscape (, UpToDate (, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (, World Health Organization (, etc.).

The Ministry of Health recommends that doctors conduct explanatory work with medical personnel and patients regarding the ineffectiveness of using these groups of drugs in children and the potential harm of self-medication.

The Ministry advises verifying the prescription issued by a doctor with this list to avoid unnecessary expenses."


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