The original Japanese tooth gel with medical hydroxyapatite and a toothbrush for babies and children up to 3 years old, APADENT BABY, was specially created for the care of the first baby teeth.
In order to wake up in the morning and live a normal life - learn, work, travel, and enjoy - each of us needs to eat. It is from food that we derive the energy for all activities and the building blocks for our bodies.
During the winter months and transitional seasons, newborns and infants often experience more frequent issues with nasal congestion and breathing difficulties.
Complications of nasal breathing or "nasal congestion" in respiratory diseases are a well-known condition characterized by nasal discharge, headache, insomnia, and disturbances in the function of certain organs and systems.
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is concerned about the widespread practice of excessive and unjustified prescribing of over-the-counter medicines for symptomatic treatment of uncomplicated acute respiratory viral infections (ARVIs) in children.
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